11 M.Sc. theses in Chemical Engineering and Chemical and Biological Engineering (ISEL, 2011-present)
4 M.Sc. thesis in Biomedical Engineering (ISEL, 2018-present)
4 M.Sc. thesis in Chemical Engineering (IST, 2019-present)
1 M.Sc. theses in Chemistry (Dual Master IST - University of Camerino, Italy, 2018)
2 M.Sc. thesis in Chemical Engineering and Industrial Processes (University of Padova, Italy, 2016 and 2018)
1 M.Sc. theses in Chemistry (Sorbonne University, France, 2019)
10 Student internship (Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris 2016-2019)
2 students from ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education & Traininig, Instituto Tecnico de Settore Tecnologico J.F. Kennedy, Pordenone, Italy, 2016)
1 ERASMUS Student (Bethune Institute of Technology, Artois University, 2010)